What is Microsoft® Windows Vista™ User Account Control

User Account Control (UAC) is a new security component within Windows Vista. UAC enables users to perform common tasks as non-administrators, (called "standard users") in Windows Vista, and as administrators without having to switch users, log off, or use Run As. A standard user account is synonymous with a user account in Windows XP.

User accounts that are members of the local Administrators group will run most applications as a standard user. By separating user and administrator functions while also enabling productivity, UAC is an important enhancement for Windows Vista.

We're working to make our applications Vista-compatible. The main purpose of this document is to help users run our software on Windows Vista systems as long as new versions are still in development.

Run program as administrator In Windows Vista

UAC and its Admin Approval Mode are enabled by default. When UAC is enabled, local administrator accounts run as standard user accounts. This means that when a member of the local Administrators group logs on, they run with their administrative privileges disabled.

Most of EngInSite products should be currently elevated.

How to request an application to run elevated one time

This scenario details the procedure to run an application as elevated one time. Use the procedure described below to install EnginSite products

  1. Start an application that is likely to have been assigned an administrative token. A User Account Control prompt is displayed.
  2. Verify that the details presented match the request you initiated.
  3. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue to start the application

How to mark an application to always run elevated

Most of EngInSite products should be marked to always run elevated

Note: To perform the following procedure, you must be logged into a client computer as a member of the local administrators group. You cannot be logged in with the computer (or built-in) administrator account because Admin Approval Mode does not apply to this account.

This procedure cannot be used to prevent UAC from prompting for consent to run an administrative application.

  1. Right-click an application that is not likely to have been assigned an administrative token.
  2. Click Properties, and then select the Compatibility tab.
  3. Under Privilege Level, select Run this program as an administrator, and then click OK.

How to change the behavior of the elevation prompt

When a member of the local Administrators group attempts to run application elevated, they are prompted for consent to run it. You can change the elevation prompt behavior.

Note: To perform the following procedure, you must be logged into a client computer as a local administrator.

  1. Click Start, click Accessories, click Run, type secpol.msc in the Open text box, and then click OK.
  2. From the Local Security Settings console tree, click Local Policies, and then Security Options.
  3. Scroll down to and double-click User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators or User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select one of the following settings:
    • No prompt
    • Prompt for credentials (this setting requires user name and password input before an application or task will run as elevated, and is the default for standard users)
    • Prompt for consent (this is the default setting for administrators only)
  5. Click OK.
  6. Close the Local Security Settings window.


Microsoft® Windows Vista™ includes a new and enhanced version of Windows Firewall. Like the current Windows Firewall in Windows® XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1), the new Windows Firewall is a stateful host-based firewall that allows or blocks network traffic according to its configuration and the applications that are currently running to provide a level of protection from malicious users and programs on a network.

The new Windows Firewall includes enhancements for better protection and more advanced configuration. If the firewall dialog appears while one of EngInSite applications is executing, simply allow the application to run and continue.

Installation of EngInSite products

  1. Install the application on Windows Vista. If a prompt is displayed requesting permission to install the application, click Permit and continue. If installation succeeds, go to step 5.
  2. If the application installation failed and no installation permission prompt was displayed, then run installer EXE elevated as described above and re-install the application. If the install succeeds, go to step 5.
  3. If you receive any errors, such as OS version, CLSID registration, or file copy, then right-click the installer EXE file, choose the Compatibility tab, and choose the Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode.
  4. Go back to step 2.
  5. The application should now be installed.

NOTE: Do not click "Finish" until "Run application" checkbox (if available) is unchecked to avoid running installed application without changing its compatibility mode. Do not run the application until the procedure described below has been completed!

EngInSite WebServer

NOTE. Installation files of EngInSite IDEs containing also Web server that will always be installed together with Perl and PHP IDEs. This Web server is *NOT* Vista-compatible. So always reinstall the server after IDE installation or re-installation and *BEFORE* you launch IDE as described below.

  1. Remove installed webserver. To do it, change to [Inst Drive]:\Users\[User name]\AppData\Roaming\LuckaSoft and delete file enginsrv.exe and directories wwwroot and modules
  2. Download Vista-compatible EngInSite Webserver v2.4.4.74 from http://luckasoft.com/download/websrv_vista.exe and install it as described in the Installation section.

EngInSite Editor for PHP

Recent version of EngInSite Editor for PHP is Vista compatible

EngInSite Perl Editor Professional

Recent version of EngInSite Perl Editor Professional is Vista compatible

EngInSite Perl Module Manager v2

Perl Module Manager operates on files and directories that may be protected with Windows Resource Protection (WRP). You must either run PMM2 as administrator or allow full access to your Perl directory and all subdirectories before you launch PMM2 the first time.

To run PMM2 as administrator,

  1. Change to program folder ("[Program files]\LuckaSoft\EngInSite Perl Module Manager v2" by default).
  2. Mark PMInst.exe to always run elevated as described above. Compatibility mode is not required.

To grant access to your Perl installation,

  1. Right-click your Perl root (c:\Perl or c:\PurePerl)
  2. Choose Properties and change to Security tab.
  3. Select your user name and click Edit
  4. If a prompt is displayed requesting permission to install the application, click Permit and continue.
  5. Select your user name again
  6. Check "Full access" and close all dialogs with OK

EngInSite CSS Editor

Always install EngInSite CSS Editor as administrator!

1. Change to program folder ("[Program files]\LuckaSoft\EnginSite Perl Editor" by default).

2. Mark CSSEditor.exe to always run elevated as described above to grant write access for program configuration files.

3. Run editor. A prompt is displayed requesting permission to launch the application; click Permit and continue.

EngInSite Client for MySQL

Recent version of EngInSite Client for MySQL is Vista compatible

EngInSite DataFreeway

EngInSite DataFreeway v.2.8 is Vista compatible